Snowmobile Trail Grant Information
Each year, the Sno Barons set aside a portion of the profits from the September Hay Days Event and give it back to the snowmobiling community. Grants are used to support trail development and improvements. Grants generally range from $150 to $1500. The average grant is just under $1,000, and is generally used for trail expansion, re-routing, bridge work, fencing and signage. While there is always a need for more money than is available, the Sno Barons recognize the need for trail expansion and favor those applications as well as first time applicants. Applications are available online and should be submitted by November 1st. The following is a list of grant recipients for the past two years.
2022/2024 Grants
- 38’er Snowmobile Club
- Abate of MN East Central Chapter
- Almelund Fire and Rescue
- Almelund Fire and Rescue
- Andover Sno-Dragons
- AWSC International Snowmobile Congress
- Babbitt Snowmobile Club
- Benton County Snowmobile Club
- Bluff Valley Riders
- Byron Kasson Snowmobile Club
- Children’s Minnesota Foundation
- Chisago County Board on Aging
- Chisago Lakes Senior Class Party
- Columbus Lions
- Coon Rapids Sno-Cruisers
- Delano Snowstormers Snowmobile Club
- Ely Fun Run
- Fallen Officer Family Donation
- Family Pathway Food Shelf
- Foxtailers Snowmobile Club
- Haypoint Jackpine Savages
- Hermantown Night Riders
- Hinkley Pine City Flames Snowmoible Club
- Ideal Sno Pros
- International Voyagers Snowmoible Club
- Itasca Drift Skippers Snowmobile Club
- KC Pro East Ice Racing
- Lakeville SnoTrackers
- Lawron Trail Riders
- Mabel Canton Trailbusters
- Madelia Snohawks
- Midwest Vintage Snowmobile Shows
- MN Snowmobile Education & Adv Fund
- Mille Lacs Trails IncSno Ghosts
- Monticello Trailblazers
- North Branch American Legion Post 85
- North Branch Cub Scouts
- North Branch Hockey
- North Branch Quarterback Club
- North Branch Snow Drifters
- North Branch VFW Post 6424Wild River Snowmobile Club
- North Metro Trail Riders
- Over the Hills Gang
- Pequaywan Area Trailblazers
- Pequot Brush Pilots
- Pink Ribbon Riders
- Rice Creek Trail Association
- Salvation Army
- Sgt. John Rice VFW Post 6316
- Special Olympics
- Swampsiders Snowmobile Club
- Tapestries of LifeTrailhawks Snowmobile Club
- U of M Duluth Clean Snowmobile Team
- Velocity Race Management
- Viking Girls Homerun Club
The Sno-Barons also conduct several training classes including Minnesota DNR Snowmobile Safety Training and Minnesota ATV Safety Training. Nothing is more important than your safety and the safety of others on the trails of Minnesota!