Southern Bounty

Southern Bounty Series is forging the path for the off-road industry’s most challenging extreme sport – mud racing. Born as a brand in November of 2020, interest and support in Southern Bounty Series (SBS) skyrocketed in just a few short months.
The series consists of eight classes based on a competitor’s tire size, Unlimited Tire UTV and ATV Class (60″ and up), Big Tire UTV Class (45.5″ – 59.5″), Big Tire ATV Class (45.5″ – 59.5″), Medium Tire UTV Class (36″ – 45″), Medium Tire ATV Class (36″ – 45″), Small Tire UTV Class (35.5″ and below), and Small Tire ATV Class (35.5″and below).
SBS Events are action-packed races against the clock, with every competitor looking to score the fastest possible time through the designated mud pit for their class. When the run begins, drivers have up to five minutes to complete their timed pass through the mud holes triggering the electronic eye at the finish line that stops their time. If a competitor cannot complete their run through the mud, they’re scored based on the distance they’ve covered by the end of their run. At the end of the racing, drivers are scored in their class first by the fastest completed pass, next by distance traveled for those drivers that didn’t make it through their pit.