It’s a Bird. It’s a Plane…
The thrills are nonstop as today’s hottest riders – including many X Games winners – shoot skyward, grab massive air and seemingly defy gravity – all in a quest to draw the biggest cheers. You won’t want to miss the spectacle as riders on sleds, quads and motorcycles throw down a jaw-dropping, extreme array of acrobatics, backflips, superman jumps and who-knows-what-else.

The motorsports freestyle Expo-1 is an attraction not to be missed. You will see freestyle riders on snowmobiles, dirt bikes and ATVs. Riders typically include X Games winners as well as other top riders from around the world. 2011 spectators were wowed by the Moore brothers’ tandem snowmobile back flip. In addition to the aerial stunts, members of the Minnesota 4-Wheel Drive Association perform demonstrations with off-road trucks.